Sunday, March 28, 2010

Love & Pain

This last week was a hard week. I have not felt so much love and pain at the same time. My dear friend Debbie Benson passed away. I love her very much and even though I knew she was sick I never thought she'd leave this life so soon. I am so grateful that the Benson family shared their wonderful mother with me. I enjoyed many memories with that woman!

Debbie was such a wonderful woman of faith. She knew who Christ was and trusted in him. She lived everyday like it was the best day ever and made everybody's day special even when she wasn't feeling well. She was very courageous and her life is amazing to me. She had such a love for her life & her family. It helped me to appreciate my life even more.
Debbie's funeral was a true celebration of life and even though we are sad to see her leave.... We will see her again. I am so grateful for the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. Even though I am not a member of her family... I am grateful for the knowledge of our human family and the connection we all have as Spirit brothers and sisters. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who allowed Debbie Benson to live her life and to bless me.

I love the Benson family and am so grateful for their wonderful friendship.

See ya later Debbie
I love you, always have always will.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Living in a den of theives

Rummaging for answers in the pages.
regina sperktor
my hero

But really I am here to blog about my birthday week.
I had to take a BIG test called Mock Boards at school on Tuesday && Wednesday. Basically it is a mock of the state board test so we are prepared for the REAL deal when we graduate.
I passed. (yay)
Now I am done with all of my testing at school. I just have to get all of my hours so I can get the HECK out of this town. I am not planning on leaving town ... just the Studio Academy of Beauty! ( the studio, the stuUUUuudiooooo)
On Thursday I went to see MARY POPPINS with my MOM!
I did get a little tummy ache from the use of strobe lights
&& from the nasty male dancers in their tight costumes.
No one wants to see that.
Is it just me?
Someone please AGREE with ME!
it's like male figure skaters! EW
On Friday it was my actual BIRTHDAY! the day was pretty uneventful. I went to the suns game with DAD. the ticket said it was an 8:30 game BUT when we got there the game was 3 quarters in, HA. I guess TV dropped the game so it went back to regular start time... 7:00.... but we didn't know that. HAHA.... joke is on us i guess.
Sunday I got my brithday cake! YUMMY!!!!
i blew out ALL 23 candles with one breath.
pure talent.
lungs of a singer.
&& now my birthday week is over.
the end.
OH! && i don't have any pictures of my birthday week.
lame I know.
i'm over it.